

Which is best?

Author: Erica Johnson

Purified water may reduce exposure to contaminants otherwise found in tap water.

The water quality differs from place to place and should be a continuing factor when deciding between purified and tap water.

Bottled water consumption has grown significantly over the past few years because it is considered better tasting than tap water. The facts show that in the USA, a person consumes plus/minus 30 gallons of bottled water yearly (that is 114 litres)
But plastic bottles are non-degradable and have an environmental impact, and people are starting to think. "Is tap water better?"

So filtered water often tastes and smells better, but that doesn't mean it is better for you. Fluoride is removed from water by some filters, and fluoride is beneficial to healthy teeth, and filters also have to be replaced all the time.

How is filtered water better for you?

  • Removes chlorine: Chlorine being a good decontaminant, is a health hazard (can cause cancer)
  • Better for the environment - Investing in a reusable bottle saves the environment from the negative impact that mass production of plastic bottles can cause when thrown away.
  • It tastes much better and is fresher, purer, and chlorine and bacteria-free.
  • Makes better brews - Limescale is much less when making coffee and tea.
  • Improves digestion - Healthy intake and minerals promote healthy digestion. It saves water and is cost-effective.


Tap water
Tap water is safe; it's true. With all the filters, decontaminants and quality inspection in place, things like pesticides and nitrates, heavy metals such as lead, copper and microorganisms are managed effectively.
Several methods of purification are used in this process:

  • Physical - Which is sedimentation or distillation.
  • Biological - Sand filters, active cartons.
  • Chemical - Which are Flocculation, chlorination and the use of ultraviolet lights.

These are only to name a few.


So when filtering, clear water is passed through different pore-sized filters made from other materials. (Sand, gravel, charcoal, particles, germs, dust, chemicals, parasites, bacteria and viruses) are removed, and yes, water evaporates and condensates, which occurs during the purifying process.

To kill pathogens in water when nothing else is available, boil water at a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit (70 degrees Celsius) for 30 minutes or at 185 degrees (85 degrees Celsius) for 3-5 minutes. When the water reaches its boiling point of 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius), pathogens die.

So that stream you always camp by might have clear water, but to ensure it is 100% safe, boil the water. Use Chlorine or iodine tablets, try UV lights to purify the water, and use a filtration system, but conserve your water for best results.

Disinfect water naturally; by doing this, the water is cleaner, clearer, non-staining, odourless, palatable, safer, more oxygenated, and colourless.